

Sunday 7 December 2014

the spreading of blue love / the love of blue

from Marion Hera Gorr and Tarla Elward 

Here is a little tale of spreading it around....first from Tarla

Back in June 2013, during the India Flint Zero Waste Dress Workshop here on Tamborine Mountain, India and I were wandering through my orchard, when she suggested that I could grow Indigo here….well that was the first seed sown. I then sourced Persicaria tinctoria seed through Rare Herbs and that was the beginning. It has taken me 12 months to do the research, by reading, attending workshops various and grow sufficient indigo to compost enough leaves. I am using the Michael Garcia 1,2,3 recipe to produce some really good blues, lots of testing and note taking….I think my family are starting to hide their whites!  

and from Marion

Being also inspired in blue ways, I decided to grow an indigo patch at India’s suggestion.  Knowing I needed many more seeds than I had, Tarla Elward kindly sent a surplus of her Persicaria tinctoria seed to me.  Located in the more temperate climate of South West Victoria, my plants are not yet lush but are healthy and growing rapidly.  I’ve also planted Sunflowers and Dahlias in that spot, a very sheltered north facing aspect.  Fingers crossed!   

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to read more on the growing and processing of this beautiful plant, visit IndiGrowing Blue, the fascinating and informative website about Rowland Ricketts' ambitions for indigo [and all the hard work that he and his volunteers have put into it]


  1. Both Tarla and Marion have done a great work as far as i have understood, i follow them both on f.b.

  2. Thanks for sharing you indigo story; I hope your plantation gives lots of great colour.


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